
Pre Season Opener Event

Let's kick off the season with a great weekend down at the beautiful Jetsurf Orlando.

March 22nd-24th, 9 am - 5 pm
This will be more of a training/community event that it will be racing. Format will most likely be 30 min intervals for beginners/advanced riders to keep everyone safe on track. Free riding off track will be allowed anytime. We will have some mock races throughout the days for anyone that wants to try, groups will be decided upon then.

RSVP on the Facebook Event Page Here

Price is $125 for the entire weekend, Friday-Sunday, that includes your rider fee, gas, waiver, and a free t shirt.

If someone just shows up for 1 day it is $65 for rider fee and gas. You can just show up.

We have rental boards available for around $120 per hour but will be on a first come first serve basis.

Riders must wear a life jacket and helmet at all times on the water. Neck protector and leash are recommended.

To sign up for the weekend ride, click the register button below.

There are outlets on site for charging boards, tables for picnics, outdoor showers, and portable bathrooms outside. 10-15 minutes away from multiple food options if you need to go grab lunch close by.

Invite anyone you think would be interested in coming out to watch, try a board, or try racing for the first time. We need to grow the community!